Janet, Belle, Sarah, Rieko and Jill
Our teachers are excited to work with your child and are always striving to provide the best possible care. Please let them know if you have any questions or concerns and they will be happy to discuss them with you.
Playschool: 867-873-3231
Jill: ykplayschoolcoordinator@gmail.com
We would like to respectfully acknowledge that the land that we learn and play on is on Chief Drygeese territory, the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation descendants of Tetsǫ́t’ıné. We would like to acknowledge the knowledge holders of this land, both past, present and those emerging.

Janet St. Pierre
Head Teacher
Now, this is a story all about Janet
And her 30 (or more) years on this planet
And she’d like to take a minute, just sit right there
Tell you how she became the teacher here (Playschool)
Outport, Newfoundland born and raised
On the beaches and oceans was where I spent most of my days
Fishing and biking is what I liked to do.
Then before I knew it, I was done high school.
Out into the world to figure out what to do
And finally, my mom said ‘this is the program for you.’ Learning about development and importance of play
I knew this is what I wanted to do every day.
Meet a nice fellow
Soon became a wife
We wanted a new adventure
So we moved to Yellowknife.
Hey, my name is Janet St. Pierre. I have been lucky enough to be the teacher here at the Playschool since 2017. I’m originally from Newfoundland (and yes, I still have a bit of an accent), but I moved to Yellowknife in 2017. I’m a fun loving, outgoing person who loves being outside, biking, skiing, and just having fun. I also don’t mind being inside reading, sewing or cooking. I’ve worked in the childcare centres for over 15 years, and completed my Early Child and Youth Care program in 2006. I love the variety and joy that working with young children brings. I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know all our Playschool families. Hope to see you soon.

Maribel Dela Cruz
Head Teacher
My name is Maribel Dela Cruz, and I have been working as an Assistant Teacher in Yellowknife Playschool for 10 years. My family and I moved to Canada back in February 2010. I have been married for 25 years with three wonderful children. I graduated with a Degree in Education in 1987, and I have been in the Education field for 33 years. I have also received some awards such as Outstanding Teacher and Outstanding Coach. I was a gymnastics coach back when I lived in the Philippines. Working with children gives me joy, laughter and contentment. I love seeing the smiles of my students faces as well as creating a bond with the parents. I treat children as my own and nurture them with the knowledge that I have. I find this career to be rewarding, seeing them grow to be mighty learners and I grow alongside them. During my free time, I love spending time with my family most and especially with my grandson.
” Caring for children and their families, you take on many roles while keeping in mind: an image of the child: a strong, capable, and resourceful learner and citizen” (Play, Participation and Possibilities)